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10 Secrets of Successful Yoga Teachers

Are you a seasoned yoga teacher?
Did you recently receive your first 200hr YTT certificate?
We all struggle at some point.

Learn how to lead an abundant, authentic life
as a yoga teacher.

Patricia Bohl
Marketing for Yoga Teachers
Patricia Bohl is a certified yoga teacher and has helped yoga teachers from all over the world having more impact in her role as digital marketer.
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Why I Can Help

I am a yoga teacher, but I am also the Marketing Manager of the Yoga Loft, a retreat venue in the Caribbean where I work with many yoga teachers that bring their retreats here. I have been there for successful retreats, and I have also met teachers with more than 100k followers on Instagram who can’t fill their retreats.
At the Yoga Teachers Summit I conducted in September 2019 we all came together and addressed a lot of the issues we are all facing.

What Can I Do For You?

I am passionate about teaching yoga, and it is my mission to empower you with all the business and marketing skills you need to succeed.
I strongly believe that marketing your yoga career is an authentic practice that can help you live the life you deserve.

Bringing Everything Together

I gathered all my experience and knowledge and created a helpful document FREE for all

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